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Intervention Services

Alcohol Abuse Interventions

Over 1,500 Successful Interventions

Alcohol Abuse Interventions

Being the family member of a person struggling with alcohol use disorder who is unwilling to seek treatment can be frustrating. You are often unsure of where you stand and sometimes wonder if part of the substance abuse problem is your fault. You are constantly second-guessing all of your attempts to help your loved one work through their alcohol problems, hoping that they make the right decision and at least admit they have a problem.

Drug & Alcohol Interventions

Our world-class team of drug and alcohol intervention professionals can help you navigate substance abuse problems in your family.

Alcohol Abuse Interventions

Interventions for Alcoholics

An alcohol intervention offers benefits for each family member as well as those struggling with substance abuse. When performed with the help of professional treatment advice, alcohol abuse interventions can bring relief and closure to family members who have tried their best to help improve their loved one’s life.

It can be a difficult process to work through, but alcohol abuse is something that only the alcoholic can take control of. For a successful intervention, the person fighting substance abuse is the one who must make a conscious choice to overcome addiction. The family’s job is to remain calm and help the addict accept treatment.

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Intervention Services

Alcohol Interventions

Alcohol interventions are similar to those held for individuals who struggle with drug use. There are several differences, however. Many alcoholics are considered to be functional. They can hold a job, take care of their families, and live a somewhat normal life. They also believe they are capable of passing an alcohol screening or reducing alcohol consumption at any time.

An alcohol intervention will affect every family member. Spouses, for example, may not want to be part of an intervention team. They are more concerned with their own well-being and balance within their household or have become accustomed to the way things are and may be afraid of the outcome once their spouse participates in the treatment process.

On the other hand, those who look at the outcome of the alcohol intervention in a positive light will be able to see a brighter future with their loved one’s life fully changed for the better. Their children will have the parent they deserve instead of a detached parent. Spouses who encourage and support the intervention process can look forward to rebuilding the parts of their relationship that may have been damaged during the time their spouse struggled with substance abuse. While some families may feed off of one anothers’ unhealthy behaviors, it only takes one person standing up to break the cycle and overcome addiction.

There are many benefits of an alcohol intervention for family members. They get to release the frustration and anxiety they have been carrying with them for so long. It also allows them to accept they are not responsible for the decisions made by the person in the grips of alcohol addiction. Closure is not easy when you are watching a loved one fight a mental illness they don’t realize they have.

By participating in an alcohol abuse intervention, family members can clear the air. They can remain calm and speak their mind without fear of guilt or retaliation. They leave a successful intervention knowing they have done everything within their power to positively realign their loved one’s life. Family members must realize going into the intervention process that it is not up to them to decide between seeking treatment. The final choice is up to the person battling substance abuse. You can’t decide for them. The only thing you can do is make a convincing argument for a healthier, happier life after addiction treatment.

There are many benefits an alcoholic can gain from a successful intervention. During the intervention process, they may begin to exhibit a variety of emotions and reactions. Some may be angry and confrontational. Others may be spiteful or begin to make excuses. Many times, individuals realize their attempts are not having any type of effect, and they will begin to open their minds to the possibility that their substance abuse is destroying the lives of others. Once they begin to really listen to what is being said, they can begin considering treatment options.

Another benefit of an alcohol abuse intervention is that the person struggling with substance abuse can begin to see themselves through the lives of others. They can begin to experience a bit of what their loved ones go through each time they have to face a person who is altered by a substance abuse problem. While this may not be a pleasant experience, it is one they must face if they are truly sincere about taking their first steps toward alcohol treatment. For a person to truly commit to their recovery, they must face the good as well as the bad. An alcohol abuse intervention will make that happen.

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Is Alcohol Use Disorder Holding Them Back?

The "I Have This Under Control" Mentality

Alcohol and drug addiction differ in their expression. Unlike drug abuse, where individuals resort to doing whatever is necessary to get their “fix,” those who abuse alcohol may have many resources to draw from.

Depending on how well hidden they keep their addiction, many who abuse alcohol may be able to go years without ever being discovered. Many realize that they can still accomplish their daily tasks and routines if they are careful and take precautions. They begin to develop what is known as the “get over it” mentality.

The “get over it” mentality means that they feel that as long as they can function in their day-to-day, there is nothing wrong with having a few drinks to help them get through the day. The problem is that even though they may be able to function effectively, they may not function efficiently. They may be more susceptible to risks they would not have taken if they were to seek treatment.

When family members begin to see risky alcohol use developing, they raise concerns and ask the alcoholic to accept treatment.

The alcoholic may not see any problem with their actions or behaviors and simply respond by telling their loved ones to “get over it”.

understanding Alcohol Addiction

How Alcohol Addiction Affects the Alcoholic

Many people can consume alcoholic beverages every day for years and never become addicted or dependent on alcohol. Others may become addicted or dependent alarmingly fast. Genetics does play a role to some extent when it comes to substance abuse. This is especially true when it comes to alcohol consumption. As a complex genetic disorder, many different genes create the variations associated with alcoholism and its effects on the body and mind.

Much like with other forms of addiction, everyone will react differently to the effects of alcohol. Just as alcohol affects each person differently, each individual will require a different treatment plan to help them deal with their addiction and alcohol dependence.

An alcoholism intervention must also be tailored to the person intended to accept addiction treatment. Although it will also impact the person’s loved ones, the alcoholic will be the one that is affected most. It will be their response to the alcohol intervention that drives the process forward. While they may be angry and confrontational at first, most begin to realize the weight their disorder is placing on those they love.

Alcohol Abuse Interventions

We Help You Find a Detox Program, Treatment Center, Outpatient Program, Sober Living Home, Local Therapist

Choosing to have an alcohol abuse intervention can be a life-changing experience. It allows you to shed any feelings of guilt you may have while giving the alcoholic an opportunity to regain their bearings and embrace alcohol treatment.
An alcohol intervention will give them the ray of hope they need to chart a course for a brighter, healthier, sober future.

By contacting Family Interventions, you can help your loved ones begin their path to sobriety and rebuild their lives. We will connect you with a certified addiction professional and help you find the best treatment program today.

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