Family Intervention Services

California Interventions

Over 1,500 Successful Interventions

Introduction to Interventions

Watching someone you love struggle with an addiction can be heartbreaking, exhausting, and scary. Knowing that you cannot control their actions and that they do not see their alcohol or drug abuse as a concern are common difficulties among families of someone struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction. 

An alcohol or drug intervention is a strategy that family members can utilize to try and help their loved ones. Drug and alcohol interventions can be organized by family and friends who have common concerns. A meeting will occur with a trained interventionist, the individual struggling, and their loved ones. Your interventionist will help create a safe environment where everyone feels as though they can be open and honest with each other. The end goal of an intervention is to help the individual struggling choose to get treatment for their abuse. 

Family Interventions are a group of professional interventions that can help family members concerned about their loved one’s substance abuse. Family Interventions provides alcohol intervention in California, and support nationwide. To learn more about the services we provide, please call (866)584-2525 today.

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Advice for Interventions

Tips for How to Hold a Family Intervention

Deciding to hold an intervention for a loved one is not an easy point to come to. You have likely tried your best to support them, and have found that they have continued to struggle. The first step would be to find a professional interventionist who can help guide you through this process. Your interventionist will help you prepare for the intervention. This includes what the intervention will look like, as well as preparing yourself emotionally. 

While the overall goal is that we can help your loved one recognize the dangers of their drug and alcohol abuse, and to find treatment, that is not always what happens. The individual who is struggling can refuse to go to treatment, avoid meeting for an intervention, and become angry when the intervention begins. Should any of these occur, your professional interventionist will help you navigate the situation. 

Family Interventions provides professional intervention services across the United States. In addition to providing a drug or alcohol intervention, we will help your loved one find the treatment necessary for their recovery. To learn more about our California intervention options, we encourage you to call (866) 584-2525 to speak with a representative today.

Help for Myself

Questioning whether you have a problem or not? Take our free assessment right now and learn more about how we can help you begin your journey to recovery.

Help For Loved One

Worried your loved-one may be struggling with substance abuse and/or mental illness? Take our free assessment and find out your options for getting your loved one the help they need.

Know When You Need Assistance

When to Hire an Interventionist in California

After learning more about alcohol and drug interventions, you may find yourself wondering when is the time to reach out to an interventionist? This is a valid question for you to have. You are concerned about your loved ones and want to help them. 

There are common signs and symptoms that can be observed in those who are struggling with drug or alcohol abuse. There will be variations for each person due to the progression of their addiction and the substance they are abusing. 

It is important to note that if you see these signs and symptoms in your loved one, they are not guaranteed to be struggling with an addiction. There are a variety of mental health concerns that can have similar signs and symptoms. When you work with an interventionist, they will be able to help you narrow down the primary concern and offer treatment recommendations.

One change you may have seen in your loved one is that they have begun to distance themselves from their friends and family. This occurs when using becomes the focus of an individual’s day. They may begin planning out their next use well in advance and cancel or forget about other responsibilities they have. 

A clear sign is that the individual appears intoxicated often. Symptoms of being impaired will vary depending on which substance is being abused. For example, someone may have pinpoint pupils if they have just used an opioid, such as heroin or Percocet. In comparison, someone who has recently used cocaine or alcohol will have dilated pupils. The individual may have poor balance, slurred speech, sleep more or less, and experience changes in their appetite.

You may notice changes in your loved ones’ personal appearance. They may have changed their hygiene routine, which leads to them not caring for themselves as they previously did. Depending on what they are using and how they are using it, you may see some bruising or puncture marks. You may also notice that they have lost weight. 

Another physical sign commonly associated with substance abuse is the development of tolerance. This means that the person needs to consume more of the substance to get the same effect. For example, if you notice that your loved one drinks more alcohol and does not appear intoxicated, they may have developed a tolerance. 

In addition to tolerance, individuals who abuse drugs and alcohol experience withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal is an uncomfortable process that occurs when our bodies begin to adjust to the changes when we stop using drugs and alcohol. While the specific symptoms a person experiences can vary with the substance that they are abusing, there are some common symptoms. This would include nausea, vomiting, irritability, shaking, sleeping difficulties, and mood changes. 

It is also possible that your loved one is experiencing difficulties related to their drug or alcohol abuse. This could mean that they have new legal concerns related to their use, have experienced disciplinary actions at work or school, or are experiencing relational distress. 

Family Interventions has trained and experienced interventionists who can help you navigate your intervention. They will help you determine if it is an appropriate step for you to take, help you plan the intervention, support and guide the intervention while it is occurring, and help find treatment options for your loved one. For more information about drug addiction interventions in California, we encourage you to speak with a representative by calling (866) 584-2525 today.

Intervention Services

Family Interventions’ California Services

Family Intervention can provide you with drug and alcohol interventions in California. We are a group of experienced and licensed professionals who can support you through the several stages of hosting an intervention. We have worked with parents, siblings, partners, friends, and others concerned about a loved one. We know this has been a difficult process for you, and we are here to support you. 

We can provide you with emergency drug and alcohol interventions and related services. Additionally, we have a free assessment for you to take, and then we will talk through your options once we know more about your concerns. Our care does not end with facilitating an intervention. Rather, we help connect your loved ones to the treatment they need. This can be detoxification, inpatient rehab programs, outpatient programs, family therapy, dual-diagnosis therapy, and individual therapy.

We also have a free and confidential codependent assessment available to you. Codependency is viewed as having an unhealthy relationship. In a situation where someone is struggling with substance abuse, codependency can look like enabling behaviors that allow the person struggling to continue as they are doing with little to no accountability for their actions. 

Additionally, codependent individual often puts their needs last and does not have healthy boundaries to help protect them. This assessment can help you understand your relationship better and get an idea of changes that can be made for your benefit. If you feel that you may be a part of a codependent relationship, take our codependency quiz today.

In addition to providing drug and alcohol interventions, we can provide you with assessments and other self-evaluations that can help determine the appropriate care. We will talk with you about the importance of self-care and give you helpful tips about changes you can make to improve your self-care routine. We will support you and give you a safe place to talk about your concerns. Talking through your thoughts, fears, and worries with someone outside of the situation can provide you with a sense of relief. 

Alcohol and drug interventions in California can be guided by the professionals at Family Interventions. We have helped over 1,000 families and have a 90% success rate in getting the individuals struggling into an addiction treatment program. We will provide you with support, compassion, and guidance from the moment you call until your loved one is engaging in addiction treatment. To speak with a representative, please call (866) 584-2525 today.

Intervention FAQ's

Read frequently asked questions about interventions for drug & alcohol abuse.


Determine if an intervention is right for you by using our interactive quiz and questionaire.


Our codependency assessment evaluates behaviors that may be contributing.

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Contact our caring and experienced interventionists to learn more about how we can help your loved one in finding treatment options that work best for their individual needs. Regardless of the situation, we will help you no matter what.