New Mexico Addiction Intervention

If your loved one is struggling with substance abuse, our addiction intervention specialists are here to help. We understand the complexities of addiction and are trained to connect you to the best treatment providers in your area. With our help, your loved one can receive the care they need and overcome this difficult time. Our addiction intervention specialists are compassionate and knowledgeable, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

We understand that addiction can take a toll on families and friends. That’s why we’re here to offer our expertise and guidance in developing a personalized intervention plan for your loved one. Our team of intervention specialists will be there every step of the way, providing ongoing support and connecting individuals with the necessary resources for a successful recovery. With our help, addiction can be overcome.

State of Addiction In New Mexico

Drug and alcohol abuse among teens in New Mexico is a serious issue, with easy access to these substances due to drug trafficking. Unfortunately, high school students are particularly vulnerable, with cocaine and methamphetamine use being prevalent. Heroin overdoses are also a common occurrence. Equally concerning is the persistent problem of alcohol abuse, which has been plaguing the state since 1987. In fact, deaths related to alcohol have been twice the national average since 2000. It’s important that we address these issues and work to ensure the safety and well-being of our youth.

New Mexico Alcohol Intervention

When it comes to addressing substance abuse, interventions for alcohol share some similarities with those used for drug addiction, but there are also some key differences. One of the challenges with alcoholism is that it is often viewed more positively by society, and individuals struggling with alcohol use may appear to be functioning normally. This can make it difficult to detect the problem, and those with alcohol addiction may mistakenly believe that they can easily pass alcohol screenings or reduce their consumption on their own.

For family members of individuals with untreated alcohol abuse, it can be frustrating and may even lead to feelings of responsibility for the problem. However, interventions for alcoholism can be an effective tool for addressing alcohol addiction with the guidance of a specialist and involvement from family members. If you notice signs of risky alcohol use, it’s important to speak up and consider contacting Addiction Interventions to begin the journey toward sobriety. Our certified alcohol addiction intervention professionals can help individuals rebuild their lives and overcome addiction.

New Mexico Drug Addiction Intervention

Dealing with drug addiction can be distressing for families. However, interventions for drug addiction can be a helpful solution. This involves enlisting the help of family and friends, along with a drug addiction specialist, to encourage the substance abuser to seek treatment.

During the addict’s intervention, your loved one may become agitated or attempt to deflect the conversation. It’s important to remain composed and stick to the plan. Delaying treatment is not an option. Research confirms that early drug intervention is more effective. Therefore, it’s crucial to have a treatment center lined up and ensure that friends and family are aware of their roles.

Addiction Interventions offers a free consultation with a professional drug intervention specialist who can assist you in connecting with appropriate treatment resources. This can give your loved one a sense of hope for a healthier, sober future.

Who We Are

Our Team

David Gates

David Allen Gates has over 20 years of experience managing and directing nationally recognized behavioral healthcare treatment centers and addiction treatment organizations. David’s expertise ranges from patient advocacy to successful intervention work.

Stacy Plaisance

Stacy Plaisance has demonstrated her commitment to creating a supportive treatment experience through her compassion and integrity in the field of Behavioral Health for over 17 years.

New Mexico Addiction Recovery Resources

Understanding the different types of free drug rehabilitation centers available in New Mexico can help find the resources you need to begin the journey toward recovery. Whether through state-funded programs, non-profit organizations, or faith-based groups, there are options available to help those struggling with substance abuse find the care and support they need to overcome addiction.

There are several official state recovery programs and resources in New Mexico:

  • SAMHSA: SAMHSA aims to increase public awareness surrounding mental health and addiction recovery. They offer various programs and services for addiction treatment. 
  • Turquoise Lodge Hospital: Turquoise Lodge Hospital provides substance abuse treatment services to New Mexico residents, specializing in medical detoxification. 
  • CARA: The Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act, or CARA, administers the NM CARA Program through a collaboration of state government agencies. It provides a comprehensive and collaborative approach to addiction recovery. 
  • New Mexico Behavioral Health Institute: The New Mexico Behavioral Health Institute is the only state-owned institution of its sort. It provides behavioral health services, including addiction recovery programs. 
  • New Mexico Prevention: This organization runs state-level prevention projects like the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant, Partnerships for Success 2015 Grant, and other prevention initiatives.

Recovery Meetings in New Mexico

AA Meetings

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings can be a tremendous aid for individuals who are trying to overcome alcohol addiction. These gatherings are an excellent way to find support from people in similar situations, where one can receive advice, share experiences, and listen to others. It is crucial to find the right AA meeting to fully engage with the teachings and get the most out of the experience. This comprehensive database provides information and social networking to help fellow AA members connect with the right group and have a successful recovery journey.

NA Meetings

If you or someone you know is affected by drug addiction, you may have heard of Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings. You might be wondering if these 12-step programs are effective and if they can work for you. NA and other 12-step programs provide regular meetings for individuals who want to quit using substances. During these meetings, which are often held weekly, members share their drug-related experiences and provide each other with support, encouragement, and guidance. For decades, group therapy and 12-step programs like NA meetings have been helping people achieve and maintain sobriety. These groups are held daily and are available everywhere. Find support groups in your community and get the help you need to live a happy, healthy, and sober life.

Find Intervention for Addiction in New Mexico

Directions to Addiction Interventions

New Mexico has a history of high drug and alcohol abuse rates, especially among teenagers. The state’s drug trafficking also contributes to easy access for minors. The state has high rates of cocaine addiction among teenagers and overdoses involving heroin. Methamphetamine use is also high among high school students. Alcohol abuse has consistently been a problem in the state since 1987, with alcohol-related deaths being twice the national average since 2000. Treatment centers offer individualized care plans that include services such as home care, hospitalization, intensive rehabilitation, clinical diagnosis, counseling, and behavioral therapy. These services can help patients achieve abstinence and wellness and improve their quality of life. Contact Addiction Interventions for more information on recovery centers in New Mexico or to work with our expert admission teams.

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