Our Addiction Intervention specialists have extensive experience in addressing alcoholism and drug dependence. We can lead family interventions and connect those struggling with substance abuse to treatment facilities. To start, contact a professional intervention specialist who can guide you through the process and answer questions about your loved one’s alcohol or drug problem.
Our addiction intervention specialist team is trained in successful models for addressing substance abuse problems, with years of experience in the field. Interventions are a powerful tool for helping individuals seek help and start the path to recovery, but proper preparation and guidance are key. Consult an addiction intervention specialist to understand addiction, develop a plan, address challenges, provide support, and guide the individual in recovery. With the right help, interventions can move your loved one toward recovery.
Kentucky is in the top ten states for opioid-related overdoses, caused by heroin, fentanyl, and prescription opioid use. The number of opioid prescriptions has decreased, but opioid-related overdoses remain high as many residents purchase these drugs illegally. Alcohol abuse is also a major issue, with over 11% of the population abusing it in a given year. This leads to more than 98% of substance abuse treatment admissions in Kentucky being alcohol-related. Other concerning statistics include monthly binge drinking for over 15% of adults, cocaine abuse by over 8% of high school students, and almost 20% of new HIV cases being due to sharing drug needles. Law enforcement found over 1,000 methamphetamine labs in Kentucky in 2020.
Interventions for alcohol are similar to drug interventions, but there are differences. Many alcoholics are considered functional and believe they can pass a screening or reduce their drinking at any time. An alcohol addiction intervention affects every family member, and spouses may not want to be involved. However, those who view it positively can see a brighter future and a healthier family.
Alcoholism and drug addiction differ in expression. Alcoholics may be able to function in their daily lives, but they may not function efficiently and may be more susceptible to risks. Genetics play a role, and each person will require a tailored treatment plan. An alcohol addiction intervention must also be tailored to the person accepting treatment. It will impact their loved ones, but the alcoholic will be affected the most. Choosing to have an intervention for alcoholism can be a life-changing experience and give the alcoholic hope for a brighter, healthier future. Contact Addiction Interventions for help finding the best treatment program today.
Drug addiction can cause chaos and devastation within families. But there is hope. Drug interventions, which involve family, friends, and an intervention specialist, aim to create an open and honest dialogue about the impact of substance abuse and encourage the drug user to seek treatment. However, be prepared for the possibility that the addict’s Intervention may not work.
During an intervention for drug addiction, expect anger from the substance abuser, attempts to deflect or change the subject, and delays committing to a treatment plan. Plan ahead to mentally and physically prepare for treatment and ensure that friends and family know what is expected during the intervention process. The sooner a drug intervention takes place, the more effective it can be. Contact Addiction Interventions for a free consultation with a professional interventionist to plan a drug use intervention for your loved one.
Andrew’s passion for recovery stems from his personal experiences and challenges faced within his own family. He began his professional career in 2013 in Encinitas, California, managing a sober living home for young men in early recovery entering college.
Shahar’s path to founding Reflection Family Interventions with her husband is rooted in a personal journey marked by resilience, compassion, and a profound commitment to supporting families navigating through mental health or substance use challenges.
There are various types of no-cost drug rehab centers available, including government-funded facilities that require proof of insufficient insurance coverage and means to pay for treatment, non-profit organizations that operate or fund treatment centers, and faith-based organizations that provide drug and alcohol recovery treatment as part of their ministry services, often with payment assistance available for those who qualify.
For individuals trying to stop drinking, attending Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings can be incredibly beneficial. These gatherings offer a great opportunity for those working towards recovery to receive support through camaraderie, advice, and active listening from others in similar situations. It is crucial to find the appropriate AA meeting to ensure you can fully engage with the group and its teachings and increase your chances of having a successful experience. This comprehensive database offers information and social networking to support fellow AA members in finding the right group.
If you or a loved one is battling drug addiction, you may have heard about Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings. You might be curious about the effectiveness of 12-step programs like this and if it could work for you. NA and other 12-step programs provide regular meetings for individuals who want to quit using substances. During these meetings, which usually happen weekly, NA members share their experiences with drug addiction and offer each other support, encouragement, and guidance. Group therapy and 12-step programs like NA meetings have helped countless people remain sober for many years. These support groups are available every day and in every community. Find a support group in your area now and get the assistance you need to live a happy, healthy, and sober life.
Kentucky has a high rate of opioid-related overdoses caused by illegal drug use of heroin, fentanyl, and prescription opioids. Alcohol abuse is also a major issue, with over 11% of the population abusing it in a given year. Other concerning statistics include monthly binge drinking for over 15% of adults, cocaine abuse by over 8% of high school students, and almost 20% of new HIV cases being due to sharing drug needles. Law enforcement found over 1,000 methamphetamine labs in Kentucky in 2020. If you need help finding a drug or alcohol rehab clinic in Kentucky, Addiction Interventions can help. Our experts will guide you through the process of finding the right resources for you or your loved one.
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