Addiction Intervention Services

Arizona Interventions


When to Hold an Intervention

If you have a loved one struggling with an addiction, you have probably tried to think about the different ways you can help them. Maybe you have tried making new boundaries, telling them your concerns, or taking them to an AA or NA meeting. Deciding to hold an intervention can allow you to try and help your loved one get professional help. 

If you have found yourself wondering if an intervention could be helpful for your loved one who is struggling, it may be beneficial to explore some signs that your loved one may be struggling. It is important to note that many signs of addiction could be linked to other mental health concerns. This is a perfect example of why you should hire a professional interventionist to help you.

You may have noticed that your loved one has been distancing themselves from you and the other important people in their lives. When someone is in active addiction, their main focus is typically on using. This means that they have less time to devote to family, friends, and leisure activities.

They may not be spending as much time with work or school. Active addiction can also hurt a person’s performance at work or school. Your loved one may also have new legal concerns. 

If you notice that your loved one is impaired frequently, they may be struggling with their alcohol or drug use. Some individuals are open about their use and will not try to hide it. For those who do try to be discrete, you may notice physical changes such as changes in their pupils, coordination, balance, and speech. 

Individuals struggling with alcohol and drug use may have changes to their physical appearance. This could mean they have lost weight or changed their hygiene routine. You may notice that they appear more tired or active than usual. Depending on the substance that they are abusing, you may notice bruising and puncture marks. 

Someone who has been abusing drugs and alcohol will likely develop a tolerance. This means that they need to take more of the substance to get to the same level of intoxication. This may be noticeable if your loved one has been drinking a larger quantity of alcohol than before. 

You may also notice that they experience withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal can occur for those who have been abusing drugs and alcohol for some time. Withdrawal symptoms may be minor and include some nausea and vomiting. However, depending on the severity of their addiction, they may be at risk of serious health concerns, including seizures and death. 

Addiction Interventions employs trained and experienced interventionists who can provide you with an Arizona intervention program. We would begin by making sure that an intervention is an appropriate step for you, plan the meeting with you, guide the intervention, and assist in finding an appropriate treatment center. For more information about our drug and alcohol interventions, we invite you to call (866)584-2525 to speak with a representative today.

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Advice for Interventions

5 Tips from an Arizona Interventionist

When we begin working with someone to plan for a drug or alcohol intervention, we often find that the families are looking for tips on what they can do to help. Let’s take a moment to review what you can do to help have an effective intervention:

  1. Hire a professional interventionist: This is a game-changer. When you hire a professional for your intervention, you will be working with a trained and experienced person who will help you work towards a common goal of getting your loved one to agree to seek help.
  2. Be realistic with your expectations: We have learned that we can plan a perfect meeting, and things can shift. Rather than focusing on getting your loved one in treatment, a healthier perspective would be to focus on sharing your thoughts and establishing healthier boundaries.
  3. Listen to your interventionist: We have a lot of experience in running successful interventions. We will work with you to find the ideal location and to get the correct group of individuals for the meeting. Let your interventionist guide your planning, and be receptive to suggestions they may give you.
  4. Be a participant during the intervention: If you have been the family member who has been checking in on your loved one, and taking charge of things, it may be difficult for you to let an Interventionist take the reins during your intervention. Letting the interventionist take the lead allows you to focus on your participation in the meeting and not on facilitating the conversation. This can be a healthy way to establish new boundaries within your family unit so that others can manage their responsibilities. 
  5. Take care of yourself: You are having an intervention because you are worried about a loved one. It is a safe assumption that your loved ones’ struggle has impacted you, and may have even put your own needs on the back burner. Take this time to shift the boundaries so that you can meet your own needs.

Addiction Interventions can provide you with an intervention in Arizona. For more information about our drug and alcohol interventions, we invite you to call (866)584-2525 to speak with a representative today.

Help for Myself

Questioning whether you have a problem or not? Take our free assessment right now and learn more about how we can help you begin your journey to recovery.

Help For Loved One

Worried your loved-one may be struggling with substance abuse and/or mental illness? Take our free assessment and find out your options for getting your loved one the help they need.

Know When You Need Assistance

Arizona Intervention Programs

Drug and alcohol interventions in real life will look a bit different than what you may have seen on television and in the movies. Bear in mind that those were created for entertainment purposes and may not reflect a proper intervention.

While interventions can have heated moments, when appropriately managed, interventions can be a healthy and safe place for a family. If you use a professional interventionist, you will find that they will prepare you before the meeting for a variety of possible scenarios and guide conversation during the intervention.

Interventions are more than a single meeting. A lot of thought goes into planning the intervention and finding the ideal treatment recommendations. When you work with a professional interventionist, they will help you from beginning to end. This can be comforting and reassuring, knowing that you are getting help from someone who is experienced in running interventions.

Addiction Intervention can help you and your loved ones plan an Arizona intervention. Our staff has years of experience under their belt and has a high success rate. We will support you and your family from the beginning stages of planning an intervention and help you get your loved one into a treatment program if they are agreeable. To learn more about how we can help you and your loved one, we encourage you to call (866) 584-2525 today.

Our Arizona Intervention Experts

Addiction Intervention can help you plan and have an alcohol intervention in Arizona. Our staff of trained and experienced interventionists who have a high success rate. We have provided interventions for individuals struggling with drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and dual diagnoses. Additionally, we have helped individuals of varying ages. 

We can provide you with emergency drug and alcohol interventions and other services you may need. We would start with a complimentary assessment which would then give us the information needed to make a recommendation. From here, we would talk about your options and allow you to decide what you feel would be the right step for you and your loved ones. 

Alcohol and drug interventions in Arizona can be facilitated by the professionals working at Addiction Interventions. We have helped over 1,000 families concerned about a loved one with a high success rate. We are passionate about our work and will provide you with more than support for an intervention. 

Addiction Interventions can provide support in a variety of situations, including crisis intervention situations or interventions for teens. Take our intervention quiz to learn if an intervention specialist can help you or your family today.

We encourage you to call to speak with one of our representatives at (866) 584-2525 to learn more about how we can help you today.

Intervention FAQ's

Read frequently asked questions about interventions for drug & alcohol abuse.


Determine if an intervention is right for you by using our interactive quiz and questionaire.


Our codependency assessment evaluates behaviors that may be contributing.

Don't Wait Another Day

We Make Getting Help Easy

Contact our caring and experienced interventionists to learn more about how we can help your loved one in finding treatment options that work best for their individual needs. Regardless of the situation, we will help you no matter what.