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Drug Detox

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Drug Detox

One of the most challenging aspects of breaking free of drug addiction is getting through the withdrawal process. Your body must get rid of the toxin put into it because of a substance use disorder. Drug withdrawal can take a toll on the body, to the point where a person may become seriously ill or even die. That’s why most experts recommend having professionals safely oversee the withdrawal process in a drug detox program so you can start working your way toward recovery.

Drug Interventions

Our world-class team of drug and alcohol intervention professionals can help you navigate substance abuse problems in your family.


What is a Drug Detox Program?

A drug detox program often referred to as medically managed withdrawal, provides individuals with medications, therapy, and other treatment to help them rid their bodies of substances they used while addicted to drugs. A drug detox center can be a haven to help you get through the drug withdrawal process while managing the side effects.

The main goal of a drug detox program is to get a client to the point where they are medically stable. Staff watch over the client to limit the amount of physical damage that can occur during drug withdrawal. Individuals also receive counseling to help them transition into a drug rehab program capable of providing clients with more extensive treatment for their drug addiction.

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How Do I Know if I Need Drug Detox?

One of the biggest signs that you might need to admit yourself to an inpatient drug detox or other detox program is if you start having withdrawal symptoms if you try and stop using drugs. Many substances cause changes in your brain that impact how it functions. You can start experiencing physical and psychological symptoms of withdrawal if you attempt to stop using without proper medical supervision.

Drug Abuse Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms are the body and the brain trying to convince you to give it more of what it needs. You can start experiencing adverse reactions like:

  • Fatigue
  • Feeling sick
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Mood swings
  • Sleep disorders

The kind of withdrawal symptoms you experience depend on the drugs you abused. Substances that can cause more severe drug withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Opioids
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Methamphetamine
  • Prescription drugs


How Does a Drug Detox Program Work?

Once you admit yourself to a drug detox program, the staff performs a complete evaluation of your physical and psychological status. That includes asking questions about your medical and mental health history. The staff will want information about the last time you used drugs and details on the substances currently in your system. Knowing what drugs you’ve ingested allows staff to more accurately assess the best course of treatment.

The clinical detox professionals use the information collected during the assessment to develop a treatment plan to get you stable and start addressing your addiction. They select medications most capable of easing your withdrawal symptoms and therapy to help you get through the process and start addressing the issues at the root of your drug addiction.

Your overall detox experience will depend on your choice of drugs. For example, individuals going through opioid withdrawal may be prescribed medications that block the effects of opioids to keep them from experiencing any of the highs associated with that drug. The staff gradually decreases the level of medications given to an individual on a specific schedule. Tapering a person off the drugs helps their body adjust and can minimize withdrawal symptoms.

The Benefits of an Alcohol Intervention for The Alcoholic

There are many benefits an alcoholic can gain from an intervention. During the intervention, they may begin to exhibit a variety of emotions and reactions. They may be angry and confrontational. They may be spiteful or begin to make excuses. Many times, once they realize their attempts are not having any type of effect, they will begin to open their minds to the possibility that their actions are destroying the lives of others. Once they begin to really listen to what is being said, they can begin to process what they are hearing.

Another benefit of an alcohol abuse intervention is that the alcoholic can begin to see themselves through the lives of others. They can begin to experience a bit of what their loved ones go through each time they have to face a person who is altered by the excessive use of alcohol. While this may not be a pleasant experience, it is one they must face if they are truly sincere about taking their first steps toward recovery. In order for a person to truly commit to their own recovery, they must face the good as well as the bad. An alcohol abuse intervention will make that happen.

Can I Go Through Drug Detox On My Own?

Going “cold turkey” can be dangerous for an individual. Discontinuing drug use with no medical help can lead to side effects like seizures, diarrhea, and even death. While quitting opioids outside of a drug detox program typically doesn’t end up being fatal, you can experience side effects that make the withdrawal process very uncomfortable.

Quitting opioids or other drugs abruptly can leave you with drug cravings that lead to a relapse. It’s best to consult with a doctor or addiction specialist about your desire to stop using drugs. They can find resources on drug detox programs and other services to help you break free of your drug addiction.


How Effective is a Drug Detox Program?

A drug detox program isn’t a cure for drug addiction. It’s only the first stage of addiction treatment, part of your journey to achieving long-term recovery. You can experience long-term withdrawal symptoms after leaving a detox program. People often benefit from moving on to extended treatment in a rehab program to work on the core issues of their addiction. You may have underlying mental health disorders that exacerbate your desire to abuse drugs.

Recovery for you may not be the same as the path taken by someone else with similar issues. The overall goal of addiction treatment is to get you to a place where you’re functional and capable of living a drug-free life. Rehab can teach you techniques that help you navigate life without substance abuse. You learn to deal with triggers that crop up during your day. Therapy can show you how to turn around negative thinking and reshape how you approach challenges in your life.

Get Help from an Interventionist
Once you gain more education and understanding of your drug addiction, you can start learning how to rebuild relationships shattered because of your drug use. Keep in mind that addiction is a chronic illness, one you must manage for the rest of your life. There’s always the possibility of a relapse. If one happens, remember that it’s part of the recovery journey. It means you may need adjustments to your current course of treatment to help you address behaviors affecting your long-term recovery.

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